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My name is Sonia and after finishing my degree and master's degree, I started working in a FMCG multinational company, specifically in the Marketing department.

After 7 years, I realized that I always needed my wardrobe to evolve, I always needed clothes that looked good and at the same time I felt good with them to face the day-to-day meetings. Back then, I always shopped at 'fast fashion' stores where the clothes would go bad before you knew it and you had to 'go shopping' again.

One day I decided that I would put an end to that routine and start looking for basic, good, quality t-shirts that could last a long time in the closet. The goal was to be able to dress easily by combining it with a blazer, a sweater, some pants... Also, not only would I be well dressed for work, but if I had to go to dinner afterwards or have a drink with my friends, it would also work for me. I felt comfortable and comfortable with myself.

But what was my surprise? I did not find any shirt that met those standards that I was asking for, and even less if I was looking for the shirt to be sustainable.

So, as I have always liked to undertake, to do new things, things that really motivate me and bet on what I believe, I decided to create my own timeless, high-quality, long-lasting clothing company, always putting sustainability at the center. and people in everything we do.

This is how I got to what TOTIS BASICS is today.

Because we all have the opportunity and the responsibility to make small decisions to leave the planet, at least, the same as we have inherited it.

And you, do you join the change?

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TOTIS BASICS - 004 White short sleeve t-shirt 100% organic cotton.